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The Animacy of Runes
The Animacy of Runes
Introduction (3:54)
1 - What Are Runes? (33:17)
2 - Are Runes Magic? (36:42)
3 - Inscription Examples (36:14)
4 - Runes as Secrets (32:39)
5 - Runes for Divination (37:03)
6 - Runestones (23:16)
7 - Runes on Amulets (39:42)
8 - Runes as Patterns of Creation (56:59)
9 - Rune Names and Rune Poems (74:36)
10 - BONUS INTERVIEW - Runes in the Modern Era (with Benjamin Weber) (114:03)
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2 - Are Runes Magic?
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